Oct 14, 2019, 9:35 PM
Consciousness: awareness of change in state of self (non-body), of spatial model of self (body), of space around self, of objects in the space around self, of place and location, of others, as the spatial movement of others, and the model in the mind of others. This is the sixth sense (biologically it is, this is how the mind constructs experience – just like a 3d video game.).
We can imitate (act masculine bias), sympathize (incentives), empathize (feelings – feminine bias).
We divide the the world into locations, boundaries, objects, places within the location (space), direction of movement, head direction, speed, and distance.
We do this all predictively with about two seconds to compose a context, and updated about every tenth of a second.
So we are continually predicting everything including the actions (imitation), thoughts (sympathy) and feelings (empathy) of others.
The male brain is specialized from back to front (speed) independent of empathy, and the female brain is specialized laterally (context) independent of speed. All of us vary from masculine to feminine brain structures. This difference is large, and I think it’s on the scale of 1.5SD. Empathizing is time consuming. And it biases you to consensus, just as systematizing is consuming but biases you to truth. This is why women are better at telling you what an individual thinks or feels, and men are better at predicting the behavior of groups. (about .2-.6SD) averaged, with wide variation in individuals.
So the female mind process vastly more information and communicates vastly more information between individuals and the male mind is far more concerned with groups and urgencies.
In other words, ancient stereotypes are correct. Like all stereotypes – they are the most accurate measure in the social sciences.