Dec 25, 2019, 2:41 PM

Millennials quoting Millennials studying Curt Doolittle.

All will be well.

Heimdallr Aldafaðir


I believe one of the ways America and the West have lost their way. We started to prioritize “profits” over Commons. Jobs over communities. Nomadic capitalism over ” generational roots”.

The Socialists aren’t wrong about the dangers of Capitalism. Their solution is mostly moronic. But the danger exists.

From what I gather of History and Economics. The only or best way to safeguard the Commons (society, families, countries, people, etc.) is to temper the profit motive with a strong incentive to invest in the Commons. Which is one of the things America (especially) has lost over the centuries.

Corporate Charters should return to mortality. They should also require investment in the Commons directly or face termination entirely. Only by showing a direct causal link to the betterment of the Commons should they be allowed to maintain legality and operation. Prove to US how you benefit US. Endless (or functionally endless) Charters are parasitic and enable almost exclusively free riders.

No. More. Free. Rides.

  • Stephen Thomas