Let a Thousand Nations Bloom, with A Thousand Different Norms.

LET A THOUSAND NATIONS BLOOM, WITH A THOUSAND DIFFERENT NORMS. —-”I want Black people to free ourselves from the shackles of caring what white people think of us, as if they are the arbiters of good behavior.” —- Khadijah A. Robinson @dijadontneedya Khadija: We (whites) are the abiters of the behaviors that maximize innovation, adaptation, evolution, and prosperity, by rule of law, high trust, high trust commons, norms, traditions, and institutions – and the high psychological cost of doing so....

March 28, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Right conspiracy theory equals left opression theory.

Conspiracy theory shaming is a thing,its poltical. Much of the time, and in effect,it keeps people from speculating in conversation.We speculate a lot bc often we have to in life.We have to bc we cannot know everything yet cannot ignore potential dangers either..so we speculate. That’s self-congratulatory. (a) nearly all conspiracies are accidents of common interest (b) it’s just the conservative male version of liberal female oppression narratives (c) it’s a means of dumb fucks pretending they’re competent,so they feel some sense of therapeutic control....

March 21, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

No, it’s not complicated: Response to Lex Fridman, David Wolpe, Sam Harris and Peter Hitchens on Free Will

LEX ET ALL: the free will debate is conducted in ‘childlike terms’ so to speak. It doesn’t have to be. SUMMARY: All sophistry consists of incomplete sentences in non-operational language. All grammatically truthful statements and questions consist of complete sentences in operational language (human actions) that meet the criteria for “continuous recursive disambiguation to the point of unambiguity”. The free will question when stated incompletely and non-operationally is in that category of frauds of the liar’s paradox: there is no paradox....

March 20, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Mastering Triangles Requires Overcoming Fitting.

TOPIC: From Fitting(analogy, meaning) to Constructing (description, causality). Our triangles are a tool reminidng us of the the first principle of stable relations that we use for disambiguation into measurement, not categorization of ideals thereby destroying the measurment we set out to produce! In other words, there is a human tendency to ‘fitting’ into analogy brought about by both theological fitting, and philosophical fitting, versus ‘unfitting’ by disambiguating into scientific first principles....

February 26, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Why are there only three spatial dimensions?

FROM MICHAEL Why does the triangle not require memory? Slipped from my mind. Crack me up, boss. FROM CURT Math version: no matter where you organize the three points you end up with a triangle. no other geometry follows this convention. Logical version: the only thing necessary to form three dimensions is the same as the triangle: regardless of the relatinos between positive negative and stable equlibium you always end up with three dimensions independent of spin, rotation, and movement....

February 23, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Curt: “What is the cause of world problems?”

THE CORRECT ANSWER This is a deceptively simple question to answer, despite being an insurmountable problem: “By wanting others to act against their self-interest in order to satisfy your self-interest, instead of you working at constructing an exchange, that is more valuable to both parties than the competing alternatives to that exchange.” The problems arise because of the power and Pareto laws, meaning that opportunities tend to concentrate into those people who are able to make the best use of them because of knowledge, ability, relationships, and assets....

February 22, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Q: “If the world is not headed towards a one world government, why does it appear that nationalism is being viewed increasingly negative?”

QUESTION: If the world is not headed towards a one world government, why does it appear that nationalism is being viewed increasingly negative? THE CORRECT ANSWER Institutional, bureaucratic, economic, political investment in the status quo. That’s all. Without the USA as world police, we MUST return to national or civilizational policing of contract, finance, transportation and trade. This means that world costs will increase (our consumption will decrease) by 40%. And it’s unavoidable, because we are no longer technologically advanced enough or wealthy enough to manage the other civilization’s central powers (Russia, China, central Islam(Persia), India, and an emergent Africa)....

February 22, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

The Absence of Ulterior Motives in The Russia-Ukraine-West Conflict. And The One We Should Have

Curt: “What Are the Ulterior Motives in The Ukraine Conflict?” THE CORRECT ANSWER There are no ulterior motives. It is a natural conflict between European Self Determination by Self Determined means using individual and group sovereignty, requiring rule of law, democracy, and Federalism between states at the cost of high trust and responsibility, versus, Asian Authoritarianism depriving peoples of self-determination, sovereignty, by using rule by decree, rule by authority, and imperialism, in exchange for low public trust and low individual responsibility....

February 22, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

The Scientific Method Defined

The purpose of the scientific method, just as is the purpose of adversarial prosecution in court before the jury from which science evolved, is to continuously recursively use sensory, logical, and physical observables to eliminate ignorance, error, bias, wishful thinking, suggestion, obscurantism, fiction, the fictionalisms, deceit, fraud, free riding, rent-seeking, corruption, denial, undermining, reputation destruction, social construction from any and all claims, leaving only testimony which is consistent with: realism and naturalism (causality), unambiguity (identity), internal consistency (logic), operational possibility (operationalism), external correspondence (observability), rational choice (incentives, motives), reciprocal rational choice (morality, ethics), and within stated limits, of full accounting within those limits, having demonstrated due diligence in all of the above, and within the limits of restitutabiity and liability....

February 20, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Explaining Consciousness and Qualia is Trivial … Really

CONSCIOUSNESS IS TRIVIAL Qualia was just a little more difficult. Philosophers and pseudoscientists are just attention whoring on public ignorance. — “I still don’t understand qualia.” –MS OK, So, there is a difference between understanding what’s going on and the ability to introspect upon it. For example, lift your right arm over your head. How did that happen? I can explain how that happened as biological processes. But knowing that doesn’t mean you can observe it....

February 15, 2022 · Curt Doolittle