I want to also chime in that I am thankful for the  friends who support, follow, resist, challenge me on my journey every day. I have made and lost both. And I know that my current line of inquiry is really exasperating for some – if not offensive. (It would have been offensive to me at some point in my learning curve.) But I am pretty confident I will solve the rest of the problem of preventing deception in politics within the next six months to a year. I can sense it. I just cannot say it quite yet. But even then, I am quite sure, that my articulation of ancient indo-European truth, testimony, operationalism and instrumentalist, will make it possible to construct a line of thinking that if enough of us practice will make deception nearly impossible by verbalist means. And if that is true, then we can construct the common law such that we that treat truth as the same commons of forgone opportunity as as property, and prohibit the involuntary transfer of property of all types not just by fraud or omission, or by indirection, but by obscurantism, loading, framing and overloading. This may seem terribly alien, and of course, one could run with this idea as others have recently, but they are merely confused about when property is transferred. We are certainly able to conduct whatever private exchanges we want. But to attempt to use the commons as a vehicle for theft is something we can prevent. And we can now look at both the third to fifth century and the mid nineteenth through twenty-first century as eras by which an aristocratic commons was used for the purpose of theft and corruption on brutal scales. And we must understand the meaning of that statement. An aristocratically constructed TRUST commons, as well as its formal institutions of academia, and its commercial institutions in the media, was used to distribute deceptions by obscurantist analogy. Lies that are only possible under aristocratic, testimonial, truth.