The 10 least tax-friendly states:

  1. Illinois (Force chicago into a city state)

  2. Connecticut (it’s dead. the state is dead)

  3. New York (end the fed, end NYC forever)

  4. Wisconsin (because swedes are socialists)

  5. New Jersey (because it’s an dump?)

  6. Nebraska (because real estate taxes can’t do it )

  7. Pennsylvania (because of philadelphia and rust belt)

  8. Ohio (How did they screw up that state? How?)

  9. Iowa (again, no other tax vehicle because of farming)

  10. Kansas (again, no other tax vehicle because of farming)

The 10 most tax-friendly states:

  1. Wyoming – No income tax

  2. Nevada – No income tax

  3. Tennessee – only income tax on interest and dividends.

  4. Florida – wealth magnet. Poor magnet.

  5. Alaska – no demand.

  6. Washington – legacy. reasons

  7. South Dakota – no population to service

  8. North Dakota – no population to service

  9. Arizona – american switzerland (gambling)

  10. New Hampshire – only decent people live here and no redistribution so no low parasites. southern european and catholic immigration storm didn’t hit here.