Jan 26, 2020, 11:54 AM
- Restore Grammar(imitating), Logic(understanding), Rhetoric(Speaking) – Add Propertarianism (truth, ethics, morality) as well as the grammars and lying.
- Restore the Epic Cycle (the indo european expansion, the matter of Greece and Rome, the matter of Germanics),
Add the and the Evolution of our Religions 3. Restore Art History – Add scientific, Technological, and Economic, political, and military History (repeating) 4. Add money, accounting, banking, interest, and investing, micro and macro economics as early as possible. 5. Convert the teaching of math from symbolic an sets to operational so that far more people are able to grasp it. Restore high repetition work loads in mathematics (asian method) 6. Restore competitive teaching and separate the boys and girls. 7. Restore overlapping age groups so students are subject to repetition. (one room method) 8. Restore divisions of classes into students of similar abilities learning at similar rates. 9. Add teachers following students through the years (Finnish method) 10. Restore the combination of physical, verbal, and recitation in groups as technique during the grammar years. (Simon says method) 11. Restore competitive physical activity as a daily requirement. 12. Restore military discipline and corporal punishment until high school (zero tolerance). Add parental punishment and parental classrooms. Add forcible sterilization for failure. 13. Reform the dietary recommendations to limit carbohydrates and sugars to the absolute minimum. 14. Privatize all schools under the ownership of teachers. Restore catholic and protestant schools. 15. Develop standardized tests that measure progress in the above including personality, intelligence, and current state of knowledge. 16. Restore the German method of apprenticeship throughout. 17. Seek to reduce school hours, especially morning hours, beginning at age 14, and split between working (apprenticeship) and schooling. 18. Eliminate homework wherever possible.
(tag: education )