Apr 11, 2020, 10:57 PM


Look. I don’t know how many dozen women I’ve taught this very simple reality. If you want to talk to a man as a woman about a woman’s concerns you must touch him and wait until it calms him (it will) so that he can shift his attention. If a woman is touching a man she’s a woman. If a woman is talking to a man she’s a fact. There is a reason that you want to touch a man if you offend or hurt him. it’s because evolution taught you what touch does to a man. your talk-instinct evolved for women and children. It didn’t evolve for men. Monogamous marriage is a late development, and for some of us as late as the middle ages. Being so busy we are saturated in dopamine, overstimulated with light, and we are not calm enough or bored enough to use affection, play, and sex as a form of entertainment is a very very recent phenomenon and one of the reasons for decline in sex, reproduction, relationships and happiness. You’re a woman for a reason. Use it. Woman are a sedative. They give men mindfulness. Conversely, when negotiating for something material do not use this technique as it builds distrust because it is a false promise. So, for attention use affection. For negotiation use conversation. Separate the emotional from the ‘commercial’.

And yes, crying is always cheating. lol

It’s a woman’s other superpower.

Totally unfair.