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  1. Generative Grammar refers to the theory that we are born with an innate capacity for producing speech, according to some rules or patterns, and that all languages evolve from this innate ability. (Ai would say serialization of information into streams of …

  2. … continuously disambiguating symbols (phonemes) is a limit of neural economy – particularly short term memory. Opponents to generative grammar don’t use AI examples, they use studies out outliers and their answer reflects the AI: that it is simply a product of ….

  3. … the limits of sense perception (Homunculus), and the limits of information processing ability – particularly integration.

  4. Generative Anthropology refers to the theory that the history of human culture is a genetic or “generative” development stemming from the development of language rather than language assists in the distribution of processing power calculation and falsifiability, and that …

  5. … all social language is merely an act of negotiating cooperation, fraud, and deceit in the furtherance of dividing labor, processing power, calculation, and FALSIFIABILITY OR UNFALSIFIABILITY. In other words, that language assists in the negotiating distributed …

  6. … computation, valuation, and action (or prohibiting, computation, valuation, and action) is not something open to dispute. Nor is the great leap forward provided by the singularity of development of language in the division of sense, perception, memory, and cognition.

  7. The technical debate is over whether there is an innate facility for language or it is simply a function of increased neural capacity and density given our rather rare capacity for complex movement whether limbs, fingers, lips, throat, or even control over our breathing.

  8. However, this has nothing to do with and is merely an EXCUSE for Gans’ writing and the scope of the GA writing available, and the GA Blog for example, consists of little more than the ‘astrology and numerology of speech’ and simply a revision of the sophism of abrahamic and ..

  9. … platonic, speech. While we find mythological speech in hinduism, and we find idealism in Sinic philosophy and religion, and we find pseudoscientific speech in buddhism, and Legal speech in Aristotelianism – if not all european folk language – we do not find them …

  10. … conflated into argument until semitic abrahamic speech, and the incorporation of semitic abrahamic speech into western discourse under the christian theologian attempts to reconcile european truth and semitic lie. Wisdom was not Argument employed as ‘truth’- just wisdom.

  11. so the question is, why is it that the anglos and scandinavians retain western truth, germans resist restoring it to german, french have abandoned it at least in parisian education, and the jews and muslims have done everything in their intellectual and cultural power…

  12. … to preserve sophism, despite the fact that jews contributed nothing to history other than sophisms, and that muslims have destroyed (culturally and genetically) every great people of the ancient world. And the reason is very simple: INTROSPECTION, SOPHISM, …

  13. … and CONFIRMATION and DECEIT are cheaper than investigation, falsification, and action in the real world. In other words, why lie EXCEPT to entice people into moral hazard? The answer is simple: there isn’t any reason except competence at coercion and deceit.

Why Josh and Tom have trouble understanding this rather obvious dichotomy between truth/error/lies is INCENTIVE, is evidence of their justification of desirable, convenient, or utilitarian lying. End Abrahamic Supernaturalism, Sophism and Pseudoscience forever: NO MORE LIES.

It’s one thing to use violence or shame against fraud and deceit, and quite another to use violence or deceit as a means of criticizing truth. Science is the universal language of truth,and operations its grammar of measurement. To restore the west,truth is enough. No More Lies.

It’s bad enough we have left wing liars taking advantage of women and the underclass, but it’s hard to understand why there are those of you who want to take advantage of lost, underachieving young man and throw them in the degenerative maelstrom with the women and fools.

—@TrueDilTom: Curt I see how you could think that given Chomskyâ??s â??Generative Grammar”, but theyre different things. GA sees neuro-structural explanations of culture as having little room for non-instinctive abstraction to account for the arbitrariness of language. There is no science envy.”—

Um. What science? There isn’t any science behind GA. It’s just Gans, who is a career postmodernist, doing exactly what I said he is. THERE ISN’T ANY SCIENCE. The structure of language is determined by analogies to experience (the homunculus) and the recursive depth of memory.

There is nothing to understand. GA is just postmodern Social Construction of Reality with Chomsky added to convert a sophism into a pseudoscience. Josh has intellectual penis envy, which is why he pisses on others and pursues nonsense rather than producing intellectual works.

The fact that we forecast a combination of real world and imaginary (fictional) models is simply our ability (or inability to resist) conflation of the imagined and the real. People need frames to calculate action. They can have a mixture of false, analogistic, and true frames.