We (european men) must stop making this mistake: we must stop thinking, wishing, or hoping that other groups (including our own women) are like US.

by John Mark

This mistake has plunged us into long dark ages before. Let’s not do it again. Let’s learn this lesson once and for all.




  1. The Western Indo Europeans were fighting submission to nature in every aspect of the social order: nature(technology), family, polity, and religion. They invented the Agency of Man. The application of mastery of metallurgy, the horse, the wheel and war to all aspects of human experience.
  2. Aristotle was fighting ignorance in all the disciplines – including religion, custom, and politics. He invented Empiricism: the transfer of testimony in a court of peers to all aspects of human experience.
  3. Galileo was fighting supernaturalism and denial in the physical sciences: physics, chemistry, biology. He was the principle advocate of Science: The restoration of testimony using mathematics in court a court of peers to all aspects of life.
  4. Darwin was fighting supernaturalism in the biological sciences. He was the principle advocate of realism and naturalism in biology: the restoration of naturalism in biological and social sciences.
  5. Propertarians are fighting pseudoscience and sophism and denial in the human sciences: language, psychology, sociology, politics, and group strategy: The completion of social science: The application of testimony using the measurement of reciprocity.

What’s Next? We will only save ourselves, and mankind from another dark age if we do not make the mistakes of the greeks and the romans, and the monarchists – optimism that other men, are equal in ability and interest to european men.