November 5th, 2018 6:29 AM

—“… Are lies beautiful, Curt?”—â??Digue Dougâ??

Pleasure(Self) and Beauty(Common) are two different things. Truth(Opportunity), Beauty(Fertility), Goodness(Plenty, Morality), are goods. Whether we seek to pay the Cost of them determines whether they are preferences and pleasures of the self as well as Goods for the Commons – or not.

Lies can be ‘elegant, sophisticated, artful’ in the sense that the human effort and ability it took to produce them demonstrates excellence, superiority, and ability. But to conflate the CRAFT (excellence), with the CONTENT (beauty) is a sophism by either fraud or error.

( Thought you were gonna play a word game with me? lol nope. lotsa nope. 😉 )
