October 13th, 2018 10:16 AM


by Tom McSweeny

Restore the brotherhoods (tribal), restore the militia (local), restore the think tanks (national), restore the monarchies (international).

Brotherhood of upgrades – look what has been achieved in the last few years here, the quality of community and info that has been discovered, presented and discussed. We’ve put in hours to digest, debate, contribute to varying (and increasingly, hopefully) degrees. We’ve come a long way. It’s great to see in myself and others how we’ve changed over the years, in our worldviews coming more in line with reality as is (Curt), debunking practices (Bill…first came across you with the takedown of meditation) in the quality of our arguments (James slaying it), and now to see the effects go further as it spreads (watch the world turn once the book is out and the advocates increase (thanks to the back and forth training on the likes of fb) worldwide. (And i’d encourage any who don’t pitch in to do so….the learning is in the back and forth for us all).

Militia – you’ve nailed this as far as I’m concerned. Decentralised, reciprocal insurance of property. A living network exchanging info and protection to self similar.

Think tanks / courtiers – though now seemingly corrupted and not spending their time working out the best way for the nation and it’s people… A pretty good investment for a nation if they could be returned to that. Get the synthesizers and measurers pushing policy based on data rather than feels. Lot of big questions to face that are simply going to escalate through time (e.g. highly reproductive invasive demographics in democracies) which require answers and action.

Monarchies – practical, judge of last resort, easier to make deals with fewer decision makers involved.

Hierarchy. The brotherhood nourishes the militia, nourishes the think tanks, nourishes the monarchy. For best results, all in that hierarchy are invested intergenerationally with skin in the game through time. Fail in that, with undue influence at any level by those without investment, we get mess and dysgenia.

The importance of getting this right cannot be ignored. At all. Not even a little bit.

Love you guys.