Oct 12, 2019, 11:25 AM

“The reason people are engaging in some form of lying is almost always cowardice.”- Curt Doolittle

  • Everyone who has one of their cherished ideas challenged, especially if they’ve invested a lot in it, feels fear of being wrong (pride hurt, having to admit weakness & not “knowing it all”). After a while it gets easier, but those of us who have said “I was wrong” or “wow I was so clueless about this before” dozens or hundreds of times, and have spent our entire adult lives voraciously reading searching for greater understanding, sometimes forget how hard it is for normal people to admit they were wrong or open up to info that challenges an idea they hold.
  • Leftists are scared s***less of the consequences of “everyone is not equal in ability” (facing the brutality of life without a salve of lies to give false hope of a future utopia)
  • Ancaps/libertarians are often heavily invested in their ideas of course, and can often be afraid of the idea that “if you don’t contribute to the commons you will not stop parasites and in fact you are a parasite upon the commons in which others invest”. (We are pointing out that they have a responsibility they didn’t think they had.)
  • Some/many civnats (not all – some learn very fast) are scared of the personal cost they could face in our current society for talking about inherent group racial differences (group patterns)
  • Some/many Christians (not all) are scared of criticism of, or losing, something they value – a belief system that provides a salve against the brutality of reality via a future hope that “everything will be made right one day”, an alternate status hierarchy (“if I pray and do good God will reward me someday and I will be higher status than people who have a lot of money or power”), and a genuine group or team where they feel safe and accepted without having to do much other than express belief in the supernatural and not be a bother (the requirement to submit to dogma rather than operate by falsification is not healthy, but “a place to belong” where you trust those around you is a great thing). Especially because they often view “being a Christian” as their primary identity, they often have a strong negative reaction to any criticism of Christianity.

These people are just “being human”. But we’re not gonna lie just to make them feel better.

The left is our enemy, plain & simple.

Ancaps/lolberts are learning fast as enemies flow through our open borders & as it becomes more and more obvious that there is a critical mass of humanity that cannot be persuaded/taught not to be parasites but must be stopped by force, which requires commons.

The civnats are learning as the pain of losing & fear of the left’s craziness (which will escalate & escalate til at latest after TX goes blue) overpowers their fear of being too politically incorrect.

The Christians as a group have no solution, no constitution, no insight to take the Right from losing to winning, the vast majority of their leaders/pastors/priests do not speak the truth on race & may never do so, but there is a brand of Christian political leader (James Fox Higgins, Daryl Kane) starting to fill the market for non-cucked Christian political speakers/leaders. (The Christian people themselves are faster and more willing to escape cuckiness than their leaders, just as with the Right as a whole.)

As I often say, the grassroots Right is virtually 100% united on what we want TO STOP (via-negativa).

The civnats just don’t realize it takes race realism to do it, and the right-wing Christians just have a hard time when the tendency of Christianity to be used as a tool of cuckiness both in history and now is pointed out. But both these groups in practicality want to STOP the same dysgenic/leftist/parasitic behaviours/outcomes that the rest of the grassroots Right wants to stop.

Thus, we CAN agree on a constitution that primarily is about what our enemies CANNOT/MUST NOT do.