Apr 9, 2020, 8:29 PM

The problem for Christianity is that it only has one thing to trade -psychological comfort – or what we call mindfulness – and only half or less of the population is buying it. It doesn’t have ENOUGH to trade for the rest of the population to buy it. Yet christians are desperately trying to sell to a saturated market and in doing so losing market share. Instead what Christians, pagans, heathens, traditionalists, constitutionalists and seculars have to trade is unity against the enemy that would destroy our civilization – christian, pagan, heathen, traditional, constitutionalist, and secular.

So sell the the only thing the market will buy:

Unity in self defense.

Unity in Offense.

And Unity in Victory.

Because selling monopoly is failing everyone.

You can’t have control.

You can only preserve our trifunctionalism: the equilibrium of military, legal, and religious -each in defense of the other.