Feb 5, 2020, 6:10 PM

P-Constitution, it’s nationalization of consumer credit, and its prohibitions on rent seeking, will destroy the entire rent seeking structure of the western economies, preserving only those investments that contribute to production.

The entire insurance industry, mortgage industry, credit card industry, and any business that makes it’s money from credit rather than production and sale of goods and services will collapse with all the wealth retained by the laboring, working, and middle classes.

The Concentration of wealth in DC, NY and via New York to Hollywood/LA will vaporize within months. Investors will flee to Assets.

The prohibition on baiting into hazard, and the institution of involuntary warranty; the liability for testimonial speech in public, restoration of defamation, and the extension of defamation to defense of the commons; and the loss of copyright protection other than creative commons will collapse the media and advertising business as they desperately seek to reform.

Capital will seek safety first, then alliance with the treasury on investments, and the states will have no alternative than to follow germany, japan, and south korea into competing with china on tech, and depriving china of its market.

The requirement for right to repair and limits to labor arbitrage will restore european markets.

The distribution of liquidity directly to citizens to maintain spending, and the deprivation of ‘undesirables’ from this distribution will drive them out of the market.

This strategy amounts to paying off the middle to destroy the top and bottom.