(FB 1542383392 Timestamp)
by James Santagata
A glimpse into a “hot” US Civil War.
If we expect the initial hostilities to fall along political ideology, left vs right (parasite vs producer), then we can see by the ideology maps that the leftists primarily occupy major cities.
Dense, urban settings. The thing is, even in today’s “functioning” leftist cities, crime is rampant as is refuse and human waste. Some cities like San Diego has recurring hepatitis outbreaks now….
San Fran is swimming in human feces.
Now imagine when the power goes down, the lights go dark, the water stops flowing, the water becomes non-potable, the store shelves run bare and resupplies are sporadic if at all.
That will happen with a week of a shut down.
Power substations hit, key power transmission lines taken out, roadways barricaded or railways lines sabotaged.
It really doesn’t take much for the whole system to screech to a halt.