Fundamentally, assuming you were intellectually honest, if you were to spend the next twenty years of your life studying political science, with the goal of long term stability and prosperity, then you would come to these conclusions:
- The Problem
a) Time:
b) Space (distribution):
d) Acting:
c) Choosing an Action:
d) Memory:
e) Limited Knowledge:
f) Planning:
g) Opportunity Costs:
h) Learning (imitation):
i) Choosing What To Learn (Alphas) a) The Necessity Of Resources
b) the Plasticity Of Resources
c) Uniqueness of Objects:
d) Competition:
e) Cooperation:
f) Property
a) Subjective Value
b) Marginal Value
a) Life Curve: air, water, food.
b) Learning Curve:
c) Forgetting Curve:
- Mankind:
a) Acquisitiveness
b) Social Status / Hierarchy / Value to others:
c) Inequality/Diversity:
d) Tribalism:
e) Sentiments:
f) Mating:
g) The Genders: a) Men
b) Women
c) The Rest – homosexual and androgynous
- Society
a) A Society is it’s Market. A market is not part of society. Markets are constructed by elites in each culture. And the success of each culture economically is a function of it’s market.
b) Productivity: Economic Productivity over the long term, and a stable predictable and empirical system or cooperation are the sources of prosperity for a people, a nation, and a government. ((Productivity means the amount of profit created per hour of effort. It is measurable. ))
c) Division Of Labor and Knowledge:
d) Generations:
e) Quaternum (last living memory)
f) Charity in group and out group:
- Institutions: There are a number of necessary properties of a society that is highly competitive – regardless of it’s territorial resources. A Social Order can be territorial and dependent upon fixed and built capital, or it can be Diasporic/Nomadic and dependent upon human, relationship, and liquid capital. :
Cultural-Forgone Opportunities: The first group is incorrectly referred to as psychological, and is instead a system of values that consist of “forgone opportunity costs” that must be paid by citizens in order to create the network of habits that humans can identify as their social order by conforming or non conforming to them. These principles effectively form the basis of manners, ethics and morals. (( There are plenty of other manners: such as cleanliness.)) a) Time Preference: The first most complex problem in any society is to extend the time preference of it’s members, such that they increasingly prefer longer, more complex, and consequently, more productive outcomes.
b) Suppression Of Corruption: Corruption is privatization of opportunities using one’s role in political organizations. The use of information to redirect opportunities or property from the citizen’s desired end, to that of the bureaucrat.
c) A System Of Property Definitions: while we tend to think of property as a western concept, all societies have property definitions. However, the more complex a set of property definitions and the more ‘liquid’ they are without ‘exporting’ assets or privatizing profits from collective efforts, the more productive will be the society. All societies have some set of property definitions and some set of shareholders in each category of property. The question is whether the system consists of corruption or not. In the west, our unstated view, is that one can only profit by serving others, so if someone profits by the use of property he is rewarded for the service of others.
c) Metaphysical Objectives: subvert the market, avoid the market, tolerate the market, or compete in the market. Our religious traditions hold the same principles in different logical structure: anarchic, magical, communal, cooperative, and competitive. The east and west are rational, the rest are not. The east avoids conflict because it is potentially destabilizing, and the west sees it has socially constructive and exploratory. These are complimentary social orders, although a competitive order invents market solutions faster and more frequently.
Administrative and Procedural: The second group consists of processes:
d) Cooperative Institutions: The outcome of this complexity however, is that humans increasingly need means of coordinating their activities. Their activities can be coordinated by prices, organizations
e) Meritocratic Rotation of Elites / Denial Of Non Meritocratic Access: To remain competitive, the leadership in society must rotate by meritocratic means. Just as important is the fact that non-meritocratic access to power must be denied. A point not considered, is that most societies prosper when there are vast private property rights, but few political rights, because group-competitions must be conducted in the marketplace and are to the advantage of citizens, whereas political competition occurs outside the marketplace and is universally at the expense of citizens. For this reason, as long as all members of a society have property rights, there is very little value in their possessing political rights. Therefore it is often better in a homogenous society to possess some democratic institutions, but in a heterogenous society, to limit access to politics, so that the commercial market serves as an outlet for group competition with the government only playing referee.
f) Recognizing New Rules (ethics, morals, manners, and property definitions)
g) Coordinating Of Group Investments:
h) Means Of Resolving Differences:
i) Limits On Power : Religious, Philosophical, such as Natural Law, Or Constitutional.
- Government: That a class-based division of government with a hereditary monarch (with veto power), a ‘Lottocratic’ ((Lottocracy: where citizens are chosen by lot. )) aristocracy (responsibility for commerce and trade), and a democratically elected common house (responsible for redistribution of benefits), with some minimum criteria of conformity in order for a citizen to vote, is probably the most effective form of government that man has yet invented – because self-interest, desires and skills are aligned with delegated powers. The world was clearly a better place under the monarchs – even Russia under the Czars had political parties and trade unions. The unexpected rapidity of the impact of the industrial revolution, and the social dislocation it created, created opportunities for our ancestors to undermine our nearly ideal governments.
a) Monarchy: Monarchs have a very long “time preference”. That means, that they tend to prefer ‘the long term outcome’ rather than short sighted ends. (This is the opposite of the ‘tragedy of the commons’ wherein people have incentives that are entirely short term.) You can look up both of those terms. Monarchs also support tribal and nationalist concepts. They also prohibit access to power – and in particular, access to power by non-economic means. b) Military:
c) Judiciary:
d) Senate:
e) House:
f) Bank:
- Rule Of Law:
a) That a written constitution with specifically enumerated limits on the government is the source of freedom from oppression by government. Most importantly, constitutions are empirical. They are calculable. All human life in society is calculation. It must be. Because it is too complex to evaluate by the use of our senses alone. b) Than at independent judiciary, dependent upon “The Common Law”, and fully adherent to the constitution, in whatever its form, is the only necessary and safe body of lawmaking.
c) And that men – and that means government – cannot make laws, only regulations, or loans, or appropriations. But not laws. Laws are discovered, not made:
a) “There is only one law and that is property.”
b) “We have laws because we have property. We do not have property because we have laws.”
- Redistribution: That a society enumerates property rights so that it is possible for people to divide the labor of production, service and invention, does not mean that society may not appropriate taxes and fees on property transactions as a ‘commission’ for administering the marketplace, and to redistribute to the society’s ‘shareholders’ – shareholders who have invested in the system of property definitions by adherence to the ‘rules’, consisting of:
a) Property Definitions
b) Manners, Ethics and Morals
which we call our society, or social order.
- Failure: Governments and empires fail for these reasons:
a) Debasement: because of the corruption of their currency, almost exclusively due to debasement, b) Overextension: the overextension of their obligations, largely through the pursuit of wars of expansion, or the pursuit of symbolic monuments such as the parthenon, but also including subsidies of the proletariat such as rome or contemporary western europe.
c) Birth Rates: insufficient or excess birth rates – excess men creating revolution, insufficient men creating economic and military weakness.
d) Money: shortage of money and credit,
e) Trade Routes: changes in trade routes,
f) Calculative Institutions: size in excess of their system of incentives and calculation for determining the use of resources – insufficient calculating technology such as accounting, property rights, and individual accountability.
g) Irrationalism: the degradation of political debate from the practical and empirical, first to rational then to moral – as the system of calculation breaks down.
h) Cultural Habits/Opportunity Costs: the dissolution of the system of opportunity costs that are codified in property definitions, manners, ethics and morals – due to largely to immigration, or religious or ideological revolution – in other words, an ideological conversion of the system of property rights and it’s consequential impact on production and trade.
i) Externalities: external military shocks and invasions,
j) Disasters: losses to the capital structure from natural disasters.
- Three Types Of Coercion
a) Physical
b) Moral
c) Remunerative
Social and Economic Classes
Human Failure:
a) Violence
b) Theft
c) Fraud
d) Corruption
- Failures Of Political Discourse
a) the multitude of transfers
- The Hierarchy Of Argument
a) sentiments
b) analogy
c) history
d) reason
e) science
f) economics
- Personal Ethics
a) Speak The Truth, and at worst say nothing
b) Do Nothing To Others You Would Not Want Done Unto You
c) Engage in no exchange wherein the other party will ever regret his purchase.
- Social Problems In Advanced Society
a) The Loneliness and Anonymity Of The Division Of Labor and The Affect On Society
b) The Difference Between The Urban And The Rural
c) The Status Competition Between Groups who will seek political power to alter their condition.
The utility of different governments can be determined by historical analogy, by articulated reason, by empirical study of economic performance, and by demonstrated stability against revolution, adaptability to external shocks, and the temporal duration of the system of rules itself. Under those criteria, only the class-tiered system of government survives scrutiny. In particular, democratic governments are temporary, and the result of extraordinary wealth created by conquest of new territory or trade routes. And totalitarian governments are impoverishing, regardless of circumstances. It is the combination of all forms of government so that the different social classes have institutions wich allow them to achieve their ends without detriment to the institutions of the society that is superior to forms of government that reflect the desires ONLY of certain classes of society. Our western error has been that we feel we must enfranchise everyone into the same structure without accounting for differences in our knowledge, skill, ability and preferences.
Unfortunately, the horrors of the world wars caused westerners to question their civilization’s principles, rather than the rate of technological evolution and the rate of population growth, and our inability to EXTEND our system of western government fast enough to accomodate them, and instead we have, quite wrongly, thrown out the entire system rather than improving it by ADDING to our rather empirical system of government. The consequences of marxian collectivism, coinciding with feminism, the debate over slavery, and the immigration of non-western people’s, was far greater than our system could tolerate. And the reason our system could not tolerate it, was because we were still relying too much on moral religious doctrine rather than fully articulated reason: we simply did not understand the reasons our western form of government was superior.