White people have:

(a) desire for heroism regardless of disruption of the dominance hierarchy
(b) desire for signaling regardless of disruption of the dominance hierarchy.
(c) freedom to act regardless of disruption of the dominance hierarchy.
(d) slightly more action bias (more likely to expend calories than not) If you look at the data by race in females in particular, it’s obvious.
(e) relatively high IQ’s, time and resources to act with.
(f) higher (but not as high as south west eurasians : semites) verbal facility.
(g) and especially, while small, higher ‘neuroticism’ (worry) which correlates with (and causes) higher creativity.

While many other cultures have some of these properties, no other culture (race, or subrace) has this combination of traits.

Creativity requires ability, incentive, opportunity, resources, and time.