Oct 13, 2019, 10:34 AM
by Martin Št?pán
If your faith helps you behave according to natural law, whether your pantheon is Zeus/Jupiter and his family or Odin/Wodan and the Æsir or the Trinity, Mary and the saints, I will absolutely support it.
But I’m unable to believe it even if I wanted to. Those of us significantly higher in systematizing than empathizing hardly ever can. But I can believe in natural law in itself because I see evidence of it all around me. That’s what I attribute all the beauty of creation to.
And we both agree that our actions in this life will have consequences in the next. For believers, it might be the afterlife or reincarnation, for me, it will be the lives of my descendants, whereas I would consider each of my children half myself.
Whichever you believe, or even if you believe neither, rule of law will incentivize the same behavior even without belief by ensuring that breaking the law won’t have consequences only in the next life but also in this one.
Even the most extreme nihilists believe in pain. And it is the only way we can prevent ourselves from being the cause our end times and push them to the physical limits of our Universe.