Dec 5, 2019, 9:39 PM

Why Sexual Morality May be Far More Important than You Ever Thought — Quest

“Unwin found that when strict prenuptial chastity was abandoned, absolute monogamy, deism, and rational thinking disappeared within three generations of the change in sexual freedom.” – Look around, how much rational thought do you see? We’ve been literally screwing our brains out.

This looks like yet another inversion.

If you look at this type of restraint as being top down and imposed (because that is your frame of reference) this “morality” looks prudish and authoritarian.

But if it developed over time as what works best to sustain the most fitness for the greatest number of a group within a specific environment than this restraint is not the start point, being pushed on everyone for the purposes of control, but the end point being reinforced by norms for the survival of the group itself.

Mistaking where we stand for the start point (or being convinced that this is the case by those wishing to exploit you) simply because we stand there may not be the most accurate frame to view anything from.