**Truth and Adherence to Rules are two different things. (submission)
Truth and Fidelity to Contract are two different things.
Truth and Duty are two different things.
Truth and Knowledge are two different things.**
Truth as Adherence – Familialism (most of the world)
Truth as Fidelity – Tribalism (judaism)
Truth as Duty – Nationalism (germans)
Truth as Science – Universalism. (english)
That members of a community follow rules and conventions with one another, does not require whatsoever that they tell the truth to one another.
That members of a community fulfill promises or contracts with one another, does not require whatsoever that they tell the truth to one another.
Another community may both fulfill it’s promises, its contracts, and the commitment to tell the truth at all times regardless of cost.
The principle of truth to to an Adherence community consists of order. The principle of ‘truth’ to a contract community consists of fidelity. The principle of truth to a truth-telling community consists of ***SCIENCE***.
If you grasp the profundity of this statement you will understand why some cultures produce science, and some produce trade, and some produce tyranny. Some create science. And some create pseudoscience. And some create only order. Some create science, innovation, trade and trust. Others create only trade, and others create only utilitarian applications of tools.
Small things in large numbers have vast consequences.
When we use ‘functions” such as the verb to be, or the word ‘truth’ we do not really understand their construction, just that they are shorthand approximations that tend to work. We have just knowledge of use, not knowledge of construction.
But the word ‘true’ means very different things in different places: science, fidelity, and adherence.
And the consequences are astounding.
Truth is a performative declaration. Truth claims then, to different groups, state either epistemology, fidelity, or adherence.
I have solved the problem you know.
It’s ethics.
From: Ayelam Valentine Agaliba:
The principle of truth to to an Adherence community consists of order. The principle of ‘truth’ to a contract community consists of fidelity. The principle of truth to a truth-telling community consists of ***SCIENCE***
This is a most penetrating line. It has vast political implications. Do you know what? I believe that you can better Samuel Huntington. Replace his Hegelianism with your program and what you have is a far more rigorous/descriptive explanation.
From: Curt Doolittle
(^^^Thank you for all the help you have been to me. Love you man.)
From: Frank Lovell
I’d add or say:
Where there are NO humans, truth rules; where there ARE humans, ethics rules, without which truth and knowledge of truth matter not.