—“When you use the words 1) true, and 2) truth, what do you mean by them? And 3) is it possible for such a thing as you mean to exist?”—
0 – Identity(Tautology) Description: True(correspondent, consistent, existential, coherent) vs False (non-correspondent, inconsistent, non-existential, or incoherent) [Truth proper]
1 – Calculation: True(without error) versus false(with error) [analytic truth] [axiomatic]
2 – Deduction(induction): True (without error) versus False (with error) [ logical truth] [axiomatic]
3 – Description( identity) : that description, definition, you would give if you possessed perfect knowledge, perfect vocabular, perfect grammar, and specified perfect limits and scope. [Ideal truth] [theoretic]
4 – Narration: True(correct) versus False(incorrect). [testimonial truth] [ theoretic]
5 – Legal Judgement: Right(non-imposition) versus Wrong(imposition) [legal right and wrong] [empirical]
6 – Judgement: Right(correct) versus Wrong(incorrect) [moral right and wrong] [rational]
7 – Normative Judgement: Right(obedient) vs Wrong(disobedient) [normative right and wrong] [habitual]
Truth consists of speech that preserves constant relations in any grammar of decidability that we have produced, whether categorical, algorithmic, rational, narrative, legal, moral, or normative.
Truth provides DECIDABILITY independent of preference or good, or norm.
All these methods are existentially possible.