It takes an extraordinary long time to simplify a very complex set of ideas into a language consisting of a sufficiently small set of general rules, that they can be taught within the ability, patience, and incentives available to the audience.

(this shit I do is f’king hard, which is why it takes so long. I have become much much better at communicating these ideas over time, and that’s because I work, much, much, harder with more discipline with lower tolerance for error, than anyone else I have know, and the only other person I really can commiserate with is Kant – and he was wrong – even if I identify with Hayek [information] in nearly everything. Hume and Smith were innovative and insightful but they lacked legal rigour. As far as I know it takes nine to ten years of research on an innovation to develop marginally indifferent ability in any discipline. I knew that going in. And I knew I was slower that most. But sometimes I wake up from my work and look back and realize that no sane person would do this kind of thing without a cognitive bias to work endlessly [hyper orderliness], and in pursuit of a solution to a problem [threat] that’s pervasive [cultural or civilizational]. )