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We removed violence from the discourse in order to accommodate women into the political system – despite the fact that the market for politics, like all other markets, is simply a proxy for violence. I set out to restore violence to libertarianism and it resulted in “Sovereigntarianism” (Propertarianism).
Noah brings up the current context:
–“Another big hurdle is adjusting mens relationship to violence. I have no problem with women saying “I disavow all violence” but I don’t want to hear men saying such weak things. We men need to embrace violence and the consequences of violence. The more comfortable we are with hard edged solutions the better. We don’ t seek them, but we don’t avoid what’s necessary. A failure to account for the power of violence has been a weakness of the right for too long.”—– Noah J Revoy
You can’t peace your way into power unless you have power, and if you peace your way into power you will not retain it. Empires fall for this reason as much ore more so than any other. Pacifism is just rent seeking by avoidance of the cost of preservation of the natural order of reciprocity.