Capitalism is impossible since no group can survive competition with other groups as other than parasites without producing commons open to free riding or defection. The question is only the method for producing those commons while suppressing free riding and defection.
Communism is impossible since no group can survive competition with other groups as other than predators and parasites, by producing commons to the exclusion of private property, because all are incentivized only to free ride (do as little as possible) and defect (engage in black markets and corruption).
State (corporation) private (shareholder) partnerships have the best record in history, when the state provides roles of insurer and banker in exchange for returns to the commons.
At present the only reason the USA is not competing successfully in the world market is a failure to produce public-private partnerships.
The reason we cannot do so is because the left can seek rents on these public private partnerships both politically, economically, and socially by the use of syndicalism (unions etc). Unions are only necessary because the courts do not provide universal standing in matters of the commons – ever since the british began violating the ancestral common law of reciprocity and universal standing.