SCIENCE (Existence) (Sources of facts, theories, and laws)

Science(investigation) = Beginning with man, his senses, perceptions, reasoning, memory, and physical abilities as the first unit of measure, the search for greater precision in measurement, understanding and therefore greater agency by the incremental removal of ignorance, error, bias, and deceit, using increasingly precise instrumentation both physical and logical that permits increasingly precise measurement both physical, logical, and experiential, at sub human, human, and superhuman scales, across increasingly small, increasingly vast, and increasingly numerous phenomenon.

PHILOSOPHY (Existential Goods) (Sources of Knowledge)

Philosophy(synthesis) (truthful/existential) = given new information, the search for decidability within a context under the assumption of some set of goals or preferences, given new knowledge and information, by reorganizing the objects, relations, and values to correspond with the findings

TRUTH (Judgement)

Truth (parsimony)(decidability) = the search for decidability, given all available knowledge, across all contexts, regardless of the assumptions of goals or preferences.

HOPE (Psychological goods) (Sources of Ignorance)(values-by-chanting)

Ideal Philosophy(imaginary/hypothetical): the search for attributions of value despite the truth, philosophy, and science, so that we may rally our efforts in spite of them – – or escape reality by placing hope in the unachievable that we cannot perceive and sense.

DECEPTION (psychological goods) (Sources of Ignorance) (religion, pseudorationalism, pseudoscience, propaganda)

Fictional Philosophy (deceptive): the search for false authority that will coerce individuals to value that which is contrary to their value judgements, despite truth, philosophy, science, and ideals, so that we may rally our efforts in spite of them – or escape reality by placing hope in the unachievable that we cannot perceive and sense.