Oct 12, 2019, 1:50 PM

by Predmetsky Rosenborg

Ex-Propertarians always sound like jilted ex-girlfriends:

–“and that non-operationalizable “abrahamism” word”–

Operationalizing abrahamism is easy…high verbal IQ (median about 129) combined with low visual-spatial (there goes the calculating for physical costs and forces…) care-harm fundamentalism produced by high openness to experience (often correlated with high schizotypy) and agreeableness, moral module predisposes to vulnerable rather than grandiose narcissism (or callous-unemotional as a stand-alone construct), and the predictably high dispositional envy that accompanies it, leading to reversal of hierarchy (the good are evil and the bad are good) — Christianity is Jewish hatred’s most delicate flower of ressentiment rather than its repudiation.

All of these things have been operationalized with as much precision as you can find in good psychometrics anywhere.

What I’m interested in is in operationalizing sex differences as inherently relative to race (to say nothing of species) rather than considering them as stand-alone constructs. For example, East Asian masculinity and Ashkenazi masculinity and Caucasian masculinity must always be operationalized and studied together and can only ever be separated analytically. sort of like how some lemur species are female-dominant for biological reasons. Most lemur species are female dominant, but only most. So we can speak of mouse lemur (microcebus)-femininity, dwarf lemur (cheirogaleidaes)-femininity, mongoose lemur (lemuridae)-femininity as female dominant instances whereas brown lemur-femininity is more submissive.