Some people bail water to relieve the pressure of the flood. Some people scribe a crack in the dam and let the sheer weight of the water do its work.
Almost all people on the right are the former kind, and I am the latter.
Western civilization unconsciously, out of habit, solves problems early, honestly, directly, and openly – as is necessary among a militia of peers.
However, this is not how one conducts war. A general does not seek valor, heroism, and sacrifice as much as indirection, asymmetry of conditions, and supply lines, during which valor, sacrifice, and heroism are obtained at least expense.
I’ve been criticized for my contra-populism for years and the reason is quite simple – populists bail water of immediacy, and generals simply identify all the dams, and where to scribe them so they break of their own accord, with the deluge doing the hard labor while we watch the destruction.
We have to do very little because the tolerance for non kin is the product of wealth and order. If we remove the wealth and order, then the tolerance, like the dam will end, and the natural pressure of the conflict will produce deterministic ends.
The enemy always has the numbers. We did not conquer and rule the world because of our numbers, or our valor, but our social order, and our technology.