Let’s disambiguate Propertarianism a bit.

We use the term “Propertarianism” as a brand name.

But, Propertarianism as constructed is just a methodology: an Operational Logic of the human sciences.

Technically speaking propertarianism refers to the unit of measurement for demonstrated interests (expenditures) in individual action and interpersonal and group cooperation.

This methodology makes use of not less than the following reformation of the aristotelian categories and their merger with the sciences:

(a) physics – (realism, naturalism, entropy, operationalism)

(b) vitruvianism (the grammars) – metaphysics,

(c) acquisitionism – psychology,

(d) compatibilism – sociology,

(e) propertarianism (reciprocity) – ethics

(f) testimonialism – epistemology (logic, emp, oprer.)

(g) Sovereigntarianism (rule of law) – politics

(h) Adaptive Velocity – group strategy

(i) Transcendence (eugenics, heroism, excellence, beauty) – Aesthetics

As far as I now there is no other system of thought anywhere ear complete, nor one that is value neutral, other than aristotle’s attempt.


Sovereigntarianism is a political methodology, or what we used to call philosophy, that uses the aristotelian-propertarian paradigm and methodology.


Perfect Government is a recommended organization of governments that can – like the roman- react to stress and war, operating as a growing concern – and distributing windfalls. This government differs from the modern in that it is less optimistic of human character, and suppresses falsehood and rent seeking of all kinds, and definnacializes the polity, and depoliticizes the polity, so that people are limited to the market of voluntary cooperation to improve their lives.

This government is described using a set of levers so to speak (set of choices) that vary according to market demand for government, from the most authoritarian in war, to the most redistributive under windfalls, while at the same time eliminating the ability of individuals and groups to accumulate rents and corruption (calcification) that always and everywhere brings down a polities from the village to the empire.

  1. Propertarianism > Methodology
  2. Sovereigntarianism > Socio-legal methodology
  3. Perfect Government > Economic-political-military methodology.

As far as I know there is no program as large, or as complete, or as scientific as Propertarianism in human history and the best we have so far is the set of empirical disciplines that have been as much a tragedy as a benefit to us. Because empiricism = correspondence it does not equal causality.

Operationalism equals causality.

Thanks. I hope this helps newbs.