The postwar policy of the United States has been consistent and unwavering:

  1. We are the last survivor of the world wars, and the reconstruction was something we paid heavily for, and invested heavily in, and which became our purpose for existence.
  2. The world wars were exacerbated by world communism – the undeveloped civilizations counter-revolution against modernity.
  3. We must never have another world war because man may not survive it.
  4. To prevent world wars we will force nations to:
    (a) observe the peace of Westphalia that requires states to prevent non-state actors from engaging in conflicts between states,
    (b) maintain their borders and prohibit expansion of territory, preventing military conflict between states,
    (c) force states to grow only economically, not militarily, by extending human rights ( property rights), and investing in human capital, under the assumption that middle class consumer societies gain more from cooperation than from conflict and warfare.
  5. Presuming that:
    (a) Emphasis on institutions, rule of law, human rights, and consumer capitalism will produce middle class societies.
    (b) Middle class societies will create demand for democracy;
    (c) Democratic societies will produce commercial societies.
    (d) Commercial societies will avoid war.


  1. Democracy is not good, but a short term luxury order resulting from economic windfalls that is unsustainable because it leads to politicization, endemic parasitism, and fragility. Instead the world has abandoned democracy, abandoned republicanism, and evolved to state corporatism: the management of the state as a business that serves consumers (citizens).
  2. When let loose under democracy, societies choose governments that reflect their level of social development (maturity), and this means socialistic in the christian world, and authoritarian in the Chinese world, despotic in the Muslim world, and of every flavor in the African World.
  3. That we have paid the high cost of transforming western civlization, Orthodox civilization, Sinic civilization, and Christian and pagan African civilization out of the medieval era – at very high costs to ourselves – and that we are failing at the transformation of the Muslim world, at a time when we no longer possess the disproportionate wealth that we did in prior eras against communism, socialism, and our own internal attempt at the soft communism of democratic socialist secular humanism.
  4. The unfortunate economic importance of oil – (similar to tin and copper in the Bronze Age) – which people rarely grasp is on par with the importance of sunlight in the Agrarian age, and its concentration in cheaply obtainable form between the Red and Kara Seas. And because of that concentration the possibility that the Totalitarian Orthodox, and Totalitarian Muslim would develop a bourse and instead of forcing oil into market prices, maximized rents against the rest of the world – a terror for developed civilization worse than another world war.

And worst of all:

  1. Americans advocate the promissory side of their policy, but they do not make statements about the threat of punishment: “You may choose your own government in pursuit of joining the civilized consumer capitalist societies of the world. But if you choose poorly, and put into place a government that violates the these terms established by the ‘Postwar Law of the American Empire’, we will punish your government and as a consequence you, by acts of first economic, then financial, the communications, then military warfare until you no longer choose poorly.

Curt Doolittle
The Propertarian Institute
Kiev, Ukraine