RE: Curt Doolittle’s recipe for civilization – JF Gariépy TPS #714
I didn’t say there is an end to history or to law. I wasn’t searching for an idea. I’m claiming that european ancestral law is the reason for the unique success of western civlization. And that continuing the anglo tradition, we must periodically update our constitution and law to reflect innovations in irreciprocity. I am merely adapting the current constitution and law to the present to suppress new known harms, the same way we update all sciences. There is no end to innovation – either in knowledge, good, or irreciprocity(harm). Law is just another science. The difference is that institutions change with greater difficulty than does un-institutionalized knowledge. 😉
JFG – Love you man but you have a habit of declaring understanding when you are hypothesizing understanding, and cannot warranty your words. 😉 Of course, in P-Law, you would have to change your behavior, and say your understanding was such, but that you can’t warranty it as true. 😉 Otherwise you’d be liable for ten times the air time to correct your prior claims. 😉
And yes, I know you run an opinion show. JFG opinion is entertaining. 😉