(FB 1541770222 Timestamp)


Hmmmm. Mao racked up 70m, Stalin 20m, Hitler 12m, and Pol Pot at least 2m, Napoleon, Caesar, and Alexander at least 1m, each. I mean, the Chinese and the Mongols are the world masters of death tolls.

With the Muslim conquest and destruction of every civilization of the ancient world EXCEPT the Chinese and to a lesser extent, the Indian. They racked up a Billion (yeah, billion), or so close to it, that it’s a rounding error.

And to make a fair comparison between the Muslim conquest and the Jewish conquest under Marxism, the Marxists cumulatively got to 100m. So the Semites, between the Jews (100M), and the Muslims (1B) seem to be the most successful at the decimation of peoples.

Again, we learn the lesson from the Chinese: ‘wall off the barbarians, and keep them out’. ergo, wall the Straits of Gibraltar, the Bosphorus, the Caucus Mountains, and the Ural Mountains, and contain the ‘stans, Mongolians and Chinese to their positions.

Now, Romans did a sizable job, but the consequence of the dispersal catastrophic. (See image below). The only restitution being restoring the homeland (done) and repatriating the descendants (yet to be done).

By comparison, Anglos are lightweights. With the War of the Roses at 40k, 25k in the Revolutionary War. 500K in the Civil War.

So, you know 30m (10%) is sort of the minimum with 100m a more proportional goal.

