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—“Curt, it is a very popular opinion among many people of all kind of political ideologies, including classical liberals and conservatives, to say Israel and Judaism are part of the West. I have even heard people say they are even inseparable. I very strongly disagree that Judaism/Israel belong to the West and I’m guessing you would agree with me. What do you think about this and what are the strongest arguments to prove this desert people with a totally different cosmovision are NOT part of the West? PS: I can consider them as much part of the West as Japan: just part of the same trade/economic bubble (and a few cultural bonds, but totally different cultural, ethnic and religious origins).”— Tomás Rodriguez Villegas
Well, I get these questions from all over the world, and I’m not really sure why they are difficult, because they are fairly easy to answer based upon the economic occupations, marriage patterns, nepotistic hiring practices, voting records, political action groups, publication records, media and press records, of different groups. So it’s not a matter of opinion. It’s simply an artifact of the data.
That said, to put your question in the three major contexts:
Israel was created to (a) export jews out of eurasia given that the ‘problem’ of jewish culture was well understood, (b) provide the west with a new colonial power to oppose the rise of the islamists again without having to occupy territory in the levant, and (c) prevent the spread of communism into muslim lands, and the alliance with Russia and China against the west. So this alliance is largely social, political, military and strategic. If it had not been for the way the germans were tried postwar it is more than likely jews would have been relocated en mass to israel, and that the problem of jewish rule over the levant would have been solved, and jews would have had the population and institutional means of creating a triangular balance of power between Jews, Iranians, and Saudis, with the possibility of Egyptian north africa providing yet another counter-balance.
Europeans, upon the growth of the empires, and then the industrial revolution, increasingly gave the jews more rights and partly converted them to Aristotelianism. In the States there was very little difference between the jews and the upper class protestants of new england until after the first world war. In the south Jews were almost fully integrated, even had christmas trees with six sided stars on top and were being admitted to upper class institutions. It was the eastern european and especially russian jews that had had freedom to excessively parasitize the populations of poland, ukraine, and Russia in particular that came in waves and maintained their behaviors. And it was the combination of postwar guilt by the west (virtue signaling) and the aggressive use of jewish immigrant propaganda in concert with the marxist, communist, socialist, feminist, and counter-western movements that – in very organized fashion still present – prohibited our indoctrination of jews into western traditions and aristotelianism.
Genetically, Ethnically, Culturally, Strategically, Politically, Economically they are, everywhere, and always, (a) separatists,(b) underminers, and (b) a harm to, preying upon, their hosts – primarily through undermining, usury, and allying with the state against the people. And it is in harming their hosts that they are united, just as europeans are more united when expansionary, and less united when not expanding or ‘engaged in some great venture’. The jews now have three foundation myths: the roman, the persecution, and the holocaust. (My work is partly to counter their foundation myths by posing an eternal struggle between their female destructive strategy and our male evolutionary and constructive strategy.) The jewish strategy, like the muslim, is to export males, find weak or marginal females, and to inbreed with them, forming a local kin group in opposition to the host. Then engage in moral, ethical, political conversion (Jewish), religious (muslim), through evangelism(muslim) and propagandism (jews). So in this sense the female branch is actually european, persian, syrian, egyptian, or whatever other group they infiltrate a host. This is why (famously) the jews have been evicted from 109 countries so far. It hasn’t been because they are ‘different’ it’s because they are harmful.
So no. It is an easy question to answer: in any matter of conflict do you choose the european, christian, aristotelian duty-hierarchy, or do you choose the semitic, jewish-muslim, abrahamic divisive-equality? The jewish identity remains the issue primarily because it comes with the jewish group evolutionary strategy of undermining the kin group conformity of the west. Jews remain, for thousands of years, levantines, not europeans. You can bring a horse to water but you can’t make it drink so to speak.