October 28th, 2018 10:14 AM



—“I think occult literature is to exercise and train the mind. Seeing the world through symbolism and allegory gives you a more well rounded world view. The imagination training alone to keep a sharp inner vision is worth the effort.”– Zack Sunday

Contrast with:

—“I started following your new friends. I think I just gagged on an Ebola”— a friend

—“Evola is Harry Potter for the resurgent right.”—Neil A. Bucklew

—“It’s cool, it’s hip, and it’s accessible. You read something like Metaphysics of War, and it’s not that different from The Fellowship of the Ring. Same beautifully constructed sentences, full of poetic words, riddled with lofty nouns that are inevitably capitalized like the philosophical texts of old.

One of my favourites is when they capitalize Truth (whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean). Who the fuck wants to read this “operational”, “via negativa” garbage, whatever that is? It all looks like computer code to me and that stuff is for nerds, right?

These kids grew up with this stuff, this poison from Arktos and Counter-Currents. And what’s more, they will never, for the life of them, consider that maybe – just maybe – they shouldn’t trust these jesters and their sources, all of which are rooted in religious texts.

You see, atheism or even agnosticism, those aren’t options; those are the tools of the Left. Surely, we cannot espouse the opinions of the Left, so instead, we will regress further and further and become ever more backward until this vile, leftist materialism and its child, despicable Science, are utterly obliterated and replaced with a spiritually transcendent society, which will be guided by religious texts, “perennial truths”, that were totally not written by fools and deceptive human beings, but instead written by people possessed by powerful, metaphysical forces, the names of which are once again capitalized for effect and this perverted stack of lies continues getting higher and higher and higher..”—by Göran Dahl

—“We live in a natural world. The Mere belief in an old order and the mere feeling of how that order looks like or how it would look like in this age is not the right way to re-evolve it. Evola and Doolittle are observing the same thing, but the holes of Doolittle’s sieve are much smaller compared to those of Evola’s. If Evola and Doolittle are to observe, for example, the solar system, Evola would propose that the reason a planet orbits the sun is that its matter has some kind of tendency for orbiting or a sort of motility. But Doolittle WILL explain that the reason a planet orbits the sun is a central force which varies exactly inversely as the square distance from the center. Now what I’m aiming at is that while Evola knows exactly what he wants to impose, he lacks A THEORY, he lacks a scientific language that would’ve helped him in understanding what he intuited, and therefore he fell into many traps, one of them is the savior myth. What we need is a scientific research paper that uses measurements and organizational charts not intuitions and poetic licenses.”–by Ahmed Reda

—“I dont understand why people are so blind to the point of fact that it is necessary to hit a problem from multiple angles ….. We need the Evolas, Doolittles, Spencer’s, Trumps, IEs, nordfronts, TWPs, Dark enlightenments, Molyneuxs…. if even for the sole purpose of competition to strengthen the winners in their respective actionsets.”—Austyn Pember

— CURT —


The Occult? Fiction? Sophisms?

Its actually just easier (cheaper) – to reduce dependence upon reason and memory, and let the connections be made by free association and suggestion. (it is easier to be programmed than to program the self)

These free associations cast a broader opportunity net at the expense of deduction and inference. When you say ‘well rounded’ that’s nonsense. when you say ‘cheaper and easier with greater reach for opportunity’ that’s true.

So, increase precision with calculation and computation, and decrease precision with reason and more so with intuition.

There is a correlation between age and dependence upon intuition vs reason. There is a correlation between isolation and dependence on intuition vs reason. I can intuit those relationships but I don’t feel comfortable stating the causality yet, although it does remind me of the feeling testosterone produces, that in turn, increases the radius of our awareness and thought in males as we mature. I suspect that this is the causal relationship between neural economy, state of endocrine development, and accumulated knowledge.

-Curt Doolittle