The beauty of Christianity. It’s all nothing but nonsense but the single grain of truth inside it, is enough to create the goods that result from it. Unfortunately, one cannot politicize christian ethics, morality, and mythology without producing a suicidal social order (as we have seen in the west). We too often forget that the church arose as a peer to the martial aristocracy and that the competition between the two – the more feminine church, over family, charity, and mythology, and the more masculine aristocracy, over property, and rule of law. When law interferes with the church, or church interferes with law, both fail to preserve the equilibrium: they each provide LIMITS to the other. The limit of christianity is that which we can individually act upon. The limit of politics is that which we collectively must act upon. For christianity to survive at all – which looks currently bleak – requires we restore the equilibrium between the feminine church and the masculine aristocracy, so that both provide the necessary goods, but each is limited from producing it’s bads – by limiting christianity to the personal, and limiting the state to the collective.