Mar 31, 2020, 10:40 PM
First, there is very little federal government left. It consists almost exclusively of the military and treasury plus the insurer function of the treasury. The states are more like european states except that they share a military. (a) Monarchs are superior to presidents and prime ministers, prime ministers are superior to presidents, hired CEO’s are superior to prime ministers. Competing contractors are superior to bureaucracies. So Governors > Senate > Executives (Professional Cabinet) > Bureaucracies (Minimum) > Firms (maximum) (b) The checks and balances rely more on court (suits) against individuals and groups than on votes. After courts, then approval of federal appropriations. Appropriations are not pooled so they are more like payment plans. So there is no discretionary use of these fees. After that we have votes for our governors. Our governors (and governments) appoint senators. The only significant improvement would be an hereditary monarchy to overrule if something gets out of hand (think the present queen of England with more likely exercise of power.) The french really ruined government. The english had it right. Our experiment didn’t work as well as our enumerated rights in the constitution. So the P-constitutional amendments further enumerate rights and shift from the french vision of government back to the British. (classes).