Duplicity, ir-reciprocity, honor-in-deceit, profiting from inciting and exploitation of moral hazard, false promise, justificationary sophism (Pilpul), straw man sophism (Critique), and disapproval, shaming, rallying, moralizing as substitute for argument is a cultural strategy.

The Abrahamists institutionalized this method of ‘resistance’ to the Masculine(Aryan) method: reciprocity, honor in truth duty and sacrifice, suppression of moral hazard, limiting promises to the truthful and possible, using falsification (rather than justification), sticking to the central argument, and avoiding disapproval, shaming, rallying, and moralizing – and constraining to costs and benefits.

Left Wing = female reproductive strategy, associated cognitive biases, and associated brain structure:”The Herd”. It uses threat of ostracization from the Herd by disapproval, ridicule,shaming, gossip, moralizing, rallying – and not argument. I listed the steps in the technique.

Right wing = Male reproductive strategy, associated cognitive biases, and associated brain structure: “The Pack”.

The left (feminine cognitive bias) lacks Agency. The right possesses agency.

It’s that simple.