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—“So the French enlightenment was inspired by the Anglos? That’s news to me :o”— A Friend

Then you really don’t understand that what we have learned to call “the enlightenment” is a counter-revolution against anglo empiricism, which is an extension of anglo law. (Not to dismiss Descartes contribution.) The ‘enlightenments’ were all attempts to use anglo empiricism to displace the power of the church, while at the same time, preserving the folk culture and group strategy of the people.

We are still going through the counter-revolution against the empirical enlightenment – the last century and a half was the jewish revolt. This century is the muslim revolt combined with the jewish.

And we are currently in the process of constructing a counter revolution against the jewish and muslim (universalist, semitic, feminine, dysgenic) by the european (nationalist, european, masculine, eugenic).