September 22nd, 2018 12:19 PM
Reposted by @[100015734649811:2048:Ryan Williams]
—“The problem with the modern state is not that it uses the death penalty so much, but rather that it uses it far too little. Property in toto serves as a useful metric for what crimes merit the death penalty. if you use fraud, deceit, or some other non reciprocal criminal means of enriching yourself at the expense of the commons above some arbitrary number, say 5x the average lifetime taxes paid by an average taxpayer, you should face execution.
Under such a scheme, nearly every tech monopolist, the Walton family, Bezos, any of the financial elite, nearly every politician and most high ranking bureaucrats would be liable for death. NYT editors lie in the newspapers and it costs 5x the taxes paid of average worker? Boom. no more problem with lying editors at the NYT.
The whole West faces the double problem of a violent, dependent underclass and a parasitical, exploitative oligarchy controlling business and politics. Such measures might seem unduly harsh, but they are necessary. Brazil shows why they must be implemented, Singapore shows that they work.”—-