Jan 28, 2020, 12:09 PM

I will keep a cow or two in the yard and feed it well. I will kill the cow by standard method. It will never know it’s going to be harmed or experience anything. They are frequently manipulated by vets and others. I will have a butcher come to the yard with his truck and clean the cow, returning me the usual amount of about say, for cattle 58-62% , hogs 74% and market lambs 54%., and for cattle close to half as hamburger. doing so requires sunlight and grass, and maybe some agricultural feed. This does not require chemistry and energy or other man-made substitutes that are costly in energy to produce. This is the healthiest method of eating available to man. If we buy and raise two young cows at a time, and keep a large freezer, they will have company and be happy the whole time. They are cows.


The average American eats 200 lbs a year. (I eat more than that)

With an average market (live or on hoof) weight of 1,150 lbs and the average yield of 62.2%, the typical steer will produce a 715 lb. (dressed weight) carcass.

The dressed beef (or carcass) will yield approximately 569 lbs. (further details below) of red meat and trim (take-home meat – which includes the average weight of 27 lbs of variety meat: liver, heart, tongue, tripe, sweetbreads, and brains) and 146 lbs of fat, bone and loss. This is roughly a yield of 80% from the dressed or hanging weight – this is for a VERY LEAN Beef. A High Quality, USDA Choice Beef will yield approximately 70% of the Hanging or Dressed Weight. The yield on the take-home meat weight from the live weight of the (VERY LEAN) steer is approximately 50%.

Chuck – 209.5 lbs total, which is 29% of the dressed/hanging/carcass weight:

Blade Roasts and Steaks 33.9 lbs.

Ground Beef and Stew Meat 83.3 lbs.

Arm Pot Roasts and Steaks 35.5 lbs.

Cross Rib Pot Roast 25.4 lbs.

Fat and Bones 31.4 lbs.

Round – 155.8 lbs. total, which is 22% of the dressed/hanging/carcass weight:

Top Round 34.6 lbs.

Bottom Round 31.2 lbs.

Tip 16.8 lbs.

Rump 7.8 lbs.

Ground Beef 33.4 lbs.

Fat and Bones 32 lbs.

Thin Cuts – 134.6 lbs. total, which is 19% of the dressed/hanging/carcass weight:

Flank Steak 3.6 lbs.

Pastrami Squares 2.9 lbs.

Outside Skirt 2.2 lbs.

Inside skirt 2.5 lbs.

Boneless Brisket 16 lbs.

Ground Beef and Stew Meat 87.3 lbs

Fat and Bone 20.1 lbs.

Short Loin – 115.7 lbs. total, which is 16% of the dressed/hanging/carcass weight:

Porterhouse Steak 19.6 lbs.

T-bone Steak 9.8 lbs.

Strip Steak 15 lbs.

Sirloin Steak 15.3 lbs.

Tenderloin Steak 6.8 lbs.

Ground Beef and Stew Meat 22.7 lbs.

Fat and Bone 26.5 lbs.

Rib – 66.6 lbs. total, which is 9% of the dressed/hanging/carcass weight:

Rib Roast 23.9 lbs.

Rib Steak 9.2 lbs.

Short Ribs 8.6 lbs.

Ground Beef and Stew Meat 16.5 lbs.

Fat and Bone 8.4 lbs.

Miscellaneous – 32.7 lbs. total, which is 5% of the dressed/hanging/carcass weight:

Kidney and Hanging Tender 4.9 lbs.

Fat, Suet and Cutting Loss 27.8 lbs.