People commit crimes across the spectrum.
State and Local IQ corresponds to crime rates.
Stupid people get caught more often.
Stupid people tend to pursue low risk low reward crimes. (those requiring little planning and high opportunism)
When it comes to murder a surprisingly high percentage of murderers are caught.
I use the term evil 80’s but the average criminal has an IQ of 93, which only serves to confirm my position that while the median of the distribution is 100, the medium of the distribution needs to be above 106, and closer to 110, leaving a full standard deviation between the median and the border of criminality 95 to preserve a high trust society.
But in general the evil 80’s (probably up to 95) demographic (a) is universally outcast, (b) undesirable even to each other, (c) cannot trust information, particularly from each other, (d) personalizes it to ‘oppression’ rather than “avoidance”, (e) justifies his behavior as retaliation for that treatment (f) is still smart enough to profit from immorality if not smart enough to profit from morality. (g) this includes the ability to practice all forms of criminal behavior and develop skill at avoiding being caught.
Not surprisingly (which is worth noting) criminals consistently measure with lower verbal ability. Hence my arguments that I’m not sure that the primary evolution out of africa is almost entirely verbal.
—“Lower verbal ability is due to the structure of the brain. The recognition of feeling occurs in the left hemisphere while the ability to speak is governed in the right. When there is a little cross over between the hemispheres alexithymia is common. Common in the people who demonstrate alexithymia are executive function defects.”— Liam Eddy
So just as you see greater verbal ability in ashkenazi, greater spatial in east asians, a balance in whites, you see deficiencies in every other group. But out of these deficiencies, (a) personality defects (b) cultural reinforcement of those defects, and (c) lower verbal IQ – exaggerate the problem.
Worse, the ‘multiplier’ is aggression. Meaning that the higher the aggression in the personality the more expressed is the criminality of low IQ. Again, this is why I’m a critic of adding peoples who have not undergone the manorial transformation (filter) to the european gene pool, and social and political orders. They bring with them permanently defective genes.
We forget that the primary difference between whites and ashkenazi of same ability is aggression, and that this aggression is as much or more responsible for their ability to carry intellectual workloads as well as make use of their intelligence competitively.
African americans are highly pro social (extroverted), but very negatively distributed, and even in that distribution they are negatively biased in verbal ability, AND they mature much earlier, faster, and deeper.