Jan 9, 2020, 3:54 PM

Why did they invent lying? And why are we susceptible to it? Abrahamic deceit is not backward. It is an advanced technology that like viruses or cancer, that takes advantage of a natural cognitive vulnerability to empathy and suggestion to bypass reason and create addiction. The vast majority of humans have trivial agency and are merely gene machines that imitate others around them. Institutions, Myth, Tradition, Norms are all means of training extremely adaptive domesticated animals to work as a group.

European Civilization Institutions: Competition between

  1. Military(Duty – Hierarchy),

  2. Traditional Law(Markets Meritocracy),

  3. Faith (Piety – Equality)


  1. Darwin Undermines faith

  2. Postwar Jewish Intellectuals Undermine all three.

  3. Successful Disintermediation of the Military from Politics.

  4. Immigration prevents reformation

The West has maintained a market (not monopoly) between all three Military, Law(Markets), Faith. And they attacked all three. Everyone thinks their ‘discipline(class)’ was the core of european civilization, but it was the balance of powers between them. Like everything in the West, once we have sovereignty we have markets, and tripartism: Military, Law (market), and Faith.

We would have made it without immigration. Just like Rome.

But this is how the (((christians))) destroyed rome. It’s a repeat of the attack on rome by the same people.

Fool us once, shame on them.

Fool use twice shame on us.