November 2018
—“Get your Doolittle vaccination against shaming here.”—Howard Van Der Klauw
—“Every virtue can be expressed as a limit.”—Luke Weinhagen
—“The more we trust the angrier we get when that trust is broken.”—Noah J Revoy
—“safety breeds folly” (which is why we must embrace and then tame our animal – not transcend it and leave it behind. )—Bill Joslin
—“To shield men from the effects folly is to fill the world with fools.”—Michael Hayes
—“… Anti-fragile….”—Taleb
—“… ‘what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger…’”—Nietzsche
—Stereotypes Are the Next “iq” Debate— D
—“Inside every absolutist is a young girl ready to blossom.”—Goran Dahl