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  1. We are the JUDGES of the NATURAL LAW – the JUDGES of our polity. “Those Who State Limits.”

  2. There are warriors, artists, scientists, engineers, craftsman, doctors, and mothers. Their jobs are ‘what shall we do and ‘how shall we do it’. Our job in the division of labor – a division of unequal knowledge and function – but equal duty and responsibility.

  3. Signals alone will drive excellence out of what we shall do, if natural law is imposed upon them since the GOOD and EXCELLENT are the only means possible available to them.

  4. Our men will build valhalla because we leave them no other choice. Our men will make immortality because we leave them no other choice. Our men will reach the stars because we leave them no other choice. We do not need instruct them to do so because we leave them no other choice.

  5. As judges we must prosecute violators of the natural law. No matter who, where, and when they may be.

  6. Our way is War: to eliminate that which is bad – leaving those with less agency to produce only that which is good. We parent mankind by this means alone. Not by telling them what to do. But by telling them what not to do, and leaving them to discover all possible means of doing what else they may do?

It is for the lesser people – all who have failed – to anchor their people in an era by stating that which they must or should do other than avoid or defeat that which is false or bad.

The uniqueness of western civilization is sovereignty reciprocity truth, duty, and the law – producing markets of the good by eliminating the bad, and thereby continuously calculating our transformation into gods – omniscient and omnipotent – by the fastest means possible: trial and error.