Why Western High Trust? Western Civilization’s Institutionalization of the Production Agency: Individual Sovereignty, Reciprocity,Truth-before-Face, Adversarial Justice,Rule of Law of Natural Law, resulting markets in every aspect of life,Insured by a militia of every able bodied man: Natural Selection.

That’s why Westerners were, as distribution (a) demographically superior, (b) culturally superior, (c) institutionally superior, (d) economically, financially, scientifically, medically, technologically, intellectually superior.

Why? Adversarialism: Continuing Natural Selection.

Markets in Everything Cause Eugenics in Everything: Genetics, Institutions, Traditions, and Knowledge. And A Universal Militia Grants Sovereignty, Rule of Law, Status Dragging The Entire Population Upward.

(-) Unfit:Dysgenic <- Evolution -> Fit:Eugenic (+)

And that is the problem of the 20th and 21st centuries. We allowed the immigration of people unequally evolved genetically, culturally, institutionally, and informationally, and as such, unfit to participate in the suite of markets that constitute a eugenic civilization.

So if you are Unfit for Natural Selection, then Leave. Because you destroyed the last European civilization and created a dark age of ignorance, poverty, and disease. And so fool us once, that’s shame on you. But you will not fool us twice.

Welcome to the second reconquest of European civilization.

Revolution comes.