October 27th, 2018 3:52 PM


(from Marginal Revolution)


Toward a theory of optimal personality?

If you are too conscientious, you might experience undue stress during a negative performance review. Or being too agreeable is correlated with lower salary levels, especially for men. And surely too much extroversion and too much openness are possible too?

Rolf Degen reproduces a few relevant paragraphs from a new paper. The work is by Nathan T. Carter, Joshua D. Miller, and Thomas A. Widiger, here is one excerpt from their abstract:

â?¦researchers have only recently begun to uncover evidence that extreme standing on â??normal” or â??desirable” personality traits might be maladaptiveâ?¦many more people possess optimal personality-trait levels than previously thoughtâ?¦


What I like about this is evolution from (a) Freudian (clown world), (b) jungian( better and close to literary evidence), (c) big 5 better but therapeutic so seeking IDEAL rather than optimum NETWORK (Division of Labor) traits which results in different distributions of traits.

Rolf, DIdn’t you recently promote that paper on clustering in the big 5? That was premature but closer to my understanding of the division of perceptual, cognitive, negotiative, labor.