( Diary: Class View: When we were young, I think, to afford to pay for the business, my parents bought a downmarket (smaller) home, so that they could make payments on both home and business at the same time. My father ‘needed’ to be an entrepreneur just as I did, just as his father, and his fathers before .. ad infinitum. That choice made us the equivalent of what today is house + business poor for quite a while. I have done the same multiple times. Its how you fund a biz. Anyway, You do notice these economic things as a kid but I didn’t give it much weight. I don’t remember wanting for anything except during the oil crisis. But it’s possible that’s the reason I was in so many fking fights all the time with these kids, and that I’m aware of these differences between classes when I wouldn’t have been otherwise. So it’s possible my upbringing influenced me a bit since in my worldview pretty much everyone was ‘an idiot’ (zombie) that shouldn’t be allowed to run with scissors (or get too near me). I would have reacted differently to life if we had moved somewhere around the lake with people whom we shared more similar values. I mean, my father was a spoiled brat with full time nanny, a 40-50s prep school upbringing, and a small liberal arts college, and that returned from europe with a sports car to be a show off. (My mother a very attractive but very naive farm girl). My grandparents were very well off, had multiple homes, and were well educated and my great grandparents also. Everyone had plenty of inheritance money so to speak. So I mean, dad was not happy about the circumstance, but I don’t think in the early 60’s anyone expected the late 60’s and early 70’s to be the utter fking chaos it was. So he sort of ‘bought at the wrong time’ I think. So yeah, I mean, I assume it did frame my thinking for a bit. But entrepreneurial class is what it is. And thats my frame of reference. Difference is that my family is also historically (a) military, and (b) puritanical. And from what I can tell it’s freaking genetic all the way through. I mean, I can read Doolittle’s Epistles from london in 1700 and that man’s mind and mine are wired identically.)