Empirical Science (aristotelianism) has evolved into a universal language.
The voluntary organization of production under property and rule of law have evolved into a universal language.
Scientific research and production take place within a society.
The society vastly impacts the quality of that research and production.
The people conducting research carry with them the assumptions of their societies.
Some societies excel at conducting scientific research.
Some societies are all but incapable of conducting scientific research.
Some societies excel at instituting property rights and rule of law.
Some societies are all but incapable of instituting property rights and rule of law.
Some societies excel at constructing trust
Some societies are all but incapable of constructing trust.
Some societies excel at institutionalizing telling the truth.
Some societies are all but incapable of institutionalizing telling the truth.
What makes a society tell the truth, construct trust, institute property rights, and conduct scientific research?
Telling the truth. Why tell the truth? For voluntary warriors it’s a matter of life and death. If nearly every man is a warrior, and only warriors possess wealth, and for warriors truth is a matter of life and death. From that position came the west’s rise.
—Small numbers + technology + truth + contract—