The reason you want a narrative and an ideology is so that you can feel in a group and in control in a world where you have none. But the only control you have is over your understanding of that world and your interpretation of that world. So narratives are inhibitors not enablers.

Propertarianism (Natural Law) will absolutely positively provide you with a consistent, correspondent, and coherent science, grammar, and logic with which to understand describe and interact with the world.

Stoicism (Self authoring in goals and virtues) will absolutely positively provide you with the mindfulness to control your interpretation of that world.

Restoration of our historical civilization to sovereignty, reciprocity, duty, truth, and markets in all aspects of life will allow us to achieve our individual interests within the limits of available knowledge and resources, as well as defend ourselves from primitive competitors, and if necessary conquer and govern them, and if left no other choice, to eliminate them.