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by A Friend.

Hey! I thought about what made it ‘click’ for me.

Here’s the result:

“Let me try to identify things that would have made it faster:

  1. Vocabulary. That would have been the biggest barrier to entry for me. What is fictionalism? What is operationalism? Largely graspable. Once this is clear I donâ??t see anything blocking the understand of the grammars.

  2. I should have focused less on your facebook posts (until I got the grammars). I think I should have went straight to the website and find the Core of propertarianism. I avoided the core too much. Iâ??m high on openness so the posts are pretty cool because there is so much to unpack and to learn from, and I could just dive inside. Itâ??s nice to have something to grapple my mind with that can last longer that a few weeks.

  3. Writing about it and isolating the core earlier (I think going to the overview that Eli Harman put out helped). So I started to say â??I need to identify the Core and write about the definitions of the concepts in the core to really appropriate them as my own”. To do that I isolated mainly testimonialism and the tests of consistency.

  4. I saw a post on the website about natural law and stating basically how you should talk and the vocabulary to use. That subject was didn’t take me very long by comparison.

To summarize, it would have been way faster for me to say:

*Here are the key concepts (fictionalism, operationalism, testimonialism, the tests of consistency). Here are the definitions of this terms. Here is what you can do with it. Here is how you can do it (the grammars).

Go in the world and use it.*

I couldnâ??t understand it when you said, “it is taking so long to look through everything again”. Now, Iâ??m like â??Ooooooh shit. Okay. I get it. I get how big this project is if you need to look at everything. Damn. Good job man.”

Now I also understand that you use this Grammar and Vocabulary, and then you test what results they produce on facebook. You experiment with them on facebook.


I think if I would have understand how important are the grammars, I would have gone straight for it until I got it. Then it is a matter of investing the time to apply it.

(CD: edited for clarity)