October 18th, 2018 7:52 PM

“Adults living in a scientific culture are more rational (and intelligent) than adults living in pre-modern cultures. For example, according to studies conducted in the 1960s and 1970s, even educated adults living in Papua New Guinea did not reach the formal stage. Australian Aborigines who were still living a traditional lifestyle barely developed beyond a preoperational stage in their adult years. Without a population that has mentally developed to the level of formal operations, which entails a capacity to think about abstract relationships and symbols without concrete forms, a capacity to grasp syllogistic reasoning, comprehend algebra, formulate hypotheses, there can be no modernization”

Or a concept of reciprocal, negotiated sovereignty!

Conceptualising and operating in such a paradigm is as foreign as colonising mars!

h/tip Curt Doolittle

(No idea who posted this)